Harumi Oktoberfest
Harumi Oktoberfestを開催します。ご自由にInvite転送OKです。 We will throw Harumi Oktoberfest. Feel free to forward the invitation to your friends.
2023年10月08日 19:00 – 23:30 JST
中央区, 日本、〒104-0053 東京都中央区晴海3丁目13−1
テレビ局時代の同僚がカナダから一時帰国するのと私の誕生日会を兼ねてパーティーを行います。 We're throwing a party to welcome back my former colleague at TV station visiting from Canada and to celebrate my birthday. (English Follows Japanese)
開催日時 Date & Time
From 7pm to 11:30pm, Saturday, October 8, 2023
開催場所 Venue 〒1040053 東京都中央区晴海 3-13-1 DEUX TOURS EAST 4709 (47F)
4709(47F) DEUX TOURS EAST 3-13-1 Harumi Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0053 https://maps.app.goo.gl/wL2Q1U2KQY8ps8hM7
We will have a party in a corner room of 50 square meters for SOHO in the EAST building of a tower called
"DEUX TOURS". You can see the canal, the high-rise apartments in Kachidoki and the Skytree on the right side. https://www.sumitomo-latour.jp/buildlist/chuouku/deux-tours/
アクセス方法 How to access
大江戸線勝どき駅から徒歩9分, 晴海トリトンスクエアから徒歩3分
9 minute walk from Kachidoki Station, Oedo Line
3 minute walk from Harumi Triton Square
*You can take 05-1 or 05-2 bus from Tokyo station, Ginza station to Harumi Triton Square.
Please call 4709 at the entrance on the 1st floor of the East building, which is exclusively for SOHO and located next to the dentist's office, and come in. Please call 4709 in the elevator hall and go up to the 47th floor by elevator.
*Please do not go to the residential entrance where you can see the escalator.
参加費 Entrance Fee 500円のみ/人
Only 500 yen per person
*It will be used to cover the rental fee of the room.
参加人数 20名程度まで ※9/24現在10名程度の参加表明があります。
1.こちらでビール、ワイン、スナックなどをご用意しますが、 数に限りがあります。何か1品お持ちください。
Beer, wine, and snacks will be provided, but are limited, so please bring something to share.
Please keep noise levels down in the inner corridors and common areas on the 47th floor and 1st floor.
ゲスト Guest 作田光 Hikaru Sakuda カナダ在住10年、二児の父であり大学生。マーケティング職を経て、現在育児をする傍らNPOにてカウンセラー業務に従事。 A father of two and a university student who has lived in Canada for more than 10 years. After working as a marketer, he currently pursuing counselling work at nonprofit organizations while raising children.
イベントホスト Event Host
柴田 雅史 Masashi Shibata
Goldman Sachs, Vice President, Strategy & Marketing, King's College London, One Young World Ambassador
I invite friends from a wide range of industries, finance, consulting, IT, law firms and meetups.