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Blue Soirée at Roppongi Hills



Roppongi Hills Residence B 43F

定員に達したため申し込みを締め切らせていただきました。 Sign-up is now closed as we have reached capacity.

Blue Soirée at Roppongi Hills
Blue Soirée at Roppongi Hills


2024年8月03日 17:00 – 21:00 JST

Roppongi Hills Residence B 43F, 日本、〒106-0032 東京都港区六本木6丁目12


Blue Soirée at Roppongi Hills を開催します。私の友達50人限定で呼ぼうと思います。


I will host Blue Soirée at Roppongi Hills. I will be inviting only 50 friends.

Please wear something blue and bring food to share and whatever you like to drink.

開催日時 Date & Time 


5pm-9pm, Saturday, August 3, 2024

開催場所 Venue 

〒106-0032 東京都港区六本木6-12-2 六本木ヒルズレジデンスB棟 43F Sky Lounge 

Sky Lounge, 43F Roppongi Hills Residence B, 6-12-2 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032

Google Maps

アクセス方法 How to access the venue 

下記をご確認ください。Please check the following instructions.


Press the button "front desk" at the 1st floor entrance of Roppongi Hills Residence B/C.

2.「D棟715号室 シバタマサシのパーティー」に参加する旨を必ずお伝えいただき、玄関を開けてもらってください。


Inform the front desk that you will be attending a party organized by "Masashi Shibata (Resident of #715, Building D) at Sky Lounge." to open the entrance

*For security reasons, you can't enter the building unless you tell them my name, room number, bldg. name.


Go straight and take the elevator on the right side of the entrance stairs to the 43rd floor.

参加費 entrance fee 

無料 Free of charge

※主催者側でSky Lounge使用料を負担します。

*The organizer will cover the Sky Lounge usage fee(110,000 JPY).

参加人数 number of participants 

50名程度まで up to 50 people



Please bring food to share and whatever you like to drink.


The party will end at 21:00. Please leave Sky Lounge at 21:00 at the request of Mori Building.

ゲスト Guest

Mondo Otani

フリーアナウンサー, Freelance Anchor

イベントホスト Event Host 

Masashi Shibata  

Vice President Strategy & Marketing, Goldman Sachs

Director, Roppongi Hills Neighborhood Association

2次会は、Public Sixで飲み、リムジン乗車(希望者のみ)などを考えてます。ご希望の方はイベントホストの柴田までご連絡ください。

For the after-party, we are planning to have a drink at Public Six, take a limousine to explore Tokyo (only those who wish). 

Please contact event host Masashi Shibata if you wish to participate.


I invite friends from a wide range of industries, finance, broadcasting, law firm, IT.


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